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This e-learning resource provides a practical development guide to support staff working with people who have an intellectual disability and dementia.

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This pack has been produced for staff and volunteers who work with:

  • people who have an intellectual disability and dementia
  • people who have an intellectual disability and are at risk of developing dementia in the future.

Their work may be undertaken in a range of care settings:

  • residential settings
  • individuals’ homes (living alone, with family or with friends)
  • hospitals
  • supported housing facilities
  • respite facilities
  • community settings.

The content will be of benefit to allied health professionals, such as speech and language therapists, opticians, podiatrists, occupational therapists and art or music therapists. Although not specifically written for family carers, it will provide them with vital information and practical advice.

The information on this website and the video content is also available as a training pack and can be purchased from the Pavillion website: Buy ‘Supporting Derek’ training pack.